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Our City has made great strides towards providing an excellent education for all New York City children. More children than ever are enrolled in our Universal Pre-K programs. A more diverse group of students are having conversations about college and accessing high-level college-preparatory coursework. And our high school on-time graduation rates are at a record high.
Still, our school system faces challenges. An elementary school student with limited access to a wide vocabulary at home struggles to read at grade level. A child who could benefit from a free 3-K program cannot find an available seat in their neighborhood. A student at a high school without access to restorative practices is removed from class and misses key instructional time.
Not all of our classrooms are created or valued equally. Inequities exist in the way resources are distributed to some classrooms. Further, New Yorkers’ opinions about a school are often informed by where a school is located or the demographics of the students in that school. As a result, many schools that are located in or serve students who come from historically underserved communities are unfairly written off as lacking, while schools in middle to upper income, white communities are perceived to be of high quality. The reality is excellent schools with dedicated staff exist in all of our communities.
OneNYC 2050 lays out a strategy to continue our City’s work of building a school system that ensures students in every borough, district, neighborhood, and school have the tools they need to achieve their dreams. In this plan, we formulate policies based on our understanding that excellence is more than a goal, it is the birthright of every child in our city. OneNYC 2050 lays out our commitment to doing the hard work that truly delivers the promise that every child, no matter who their parents are or what zip code they live in, deserves an excellent