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Modernizing our infrastructure requires a commitment to data-driven capital planning that anticipates the needs of the future, while improving the capital delivery process to deliver more projects on time and on budget. A modern city requires smart infrastructure that includes high-speed broadband and is able to properly mobilize and respond to any risk, whether it be cyber-attacks, financial risks, or infectious disease.

The City will continue to improve its capital planning practices to direct resources and build out infrastructure, using population projections and the development pipeline, in addition to considering demographic shifts, the impacts from climate change, equity improvements, and community perspectives. In addition, significant funding has demonstrated the City’s continued dedication to achieving a state of good repair. Emerging sensor technology, along with supporting data infrastructure, enables data-driven asset management, allowing the City to be proactive rather than reactive to problems as they arise. To accelerate the pace of infrastructure projects, the City will reform capital planning processes to ensure projects are fully funded and delivered on time and on budget.

Meanwhile, the continuous upgrading of legacy technology systems offers the possibility for greater data integration, analysis, and
performance management. Furthermore, the State has already begun implementing best practices in capital delivery such as design-build,
for its own projects, and the City will continue advocating for expanded authority to do the same.

To put New York City on the path to universal broadband, we will incentivize new providers in more parts of the city, with options for faster service and respect for personal privacy. We will, through digital literacy programs, ensure residents are able to take full advantage of available broadband access, and create the world’s most robust cyber ecosystem. The City will continue to pioneer cutting-edge approaches to address cybersecurity threats, and grow the local talent pool to spur innovation and encourage the establishment of new cybersecurity companies across the five boroughs.

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