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To accelerate broadband access, the City will transform its approach to deploying broadband infrastructure by becoming a more active partner with the private sector. In 2019, we will release a new type of request for proposals (RFP) to partner with infrastructure and service providers to meet neighborhood connectivity needs. The RFP will leverage a new, centralized approach to making City rooftops and other facilities available for broadband deployment. The City will add value to its assets through targeted investment, consistent with the Internet
Master Plan, as public or other innovative financing becomes available, and will use its authority to expand underground conduit and fiber optic infrastructure.

The City will seek to have all broadband providers meet or exceed the standards established in the master plan so all private investment contributes to the City’s goals. This includes legislation already introduced in the City Council (on behalf of the Mayor) to strengthen consumer protections and establish strong privacy requirements for cable broadband service.

Wherever possible, we will incorporate provisions mandating net neutrality, privacy, and resiliency into contracts and agreements. We will also advocate strengthening local authority by opposing the Federal Communications Commission’s attempts to direct public property for commercial gain, and by pushing for new state legislation that would make the franchise framework fairer for all companies in New York City. Finally, we will continue to lead a global effort through the Cities Coalition for Digital Rights, which New York City founded in 2018
with Barcelona and Amsterdam, with the goal of growing the coalition to more than 100 cities around the world.

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